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<< Food for Brain >>

English Version

Brain is a vital part of human being. To make a brain work  properly a special care should be given. Just like lungs, heart or muscles need nutrients a brain also requires extra care which is given by the foods and vegetables.

Coconut Oil : 

Coconut oil or Copra oil is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured  coconuts harvested from the coconut palm.

>> It helps in increasing body energy, glucose. 

>> It also enhance the capability of brain.

>> Besides this, it controls blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and helps in reducing protein loss when used in hair.

Blue berry : 

>> It is full of Anti oxidant which helps to prevent the oxidative damage in brain. 
>> Eating more blue berries is the reason to load up the shopping cart with plump       Vaccinium Cyanococcus : they may protect our brain.
>> It is also known as flavonoids which improve memory learning and general cognitive functions including reasoning skills, decision making, verbal compression and numerical ability.
>> Blue berry slow the decline in mental facility which happens in aging. It protects against disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Dark chocolate : 

>> Eating chocolate could help to sharpen up the mind and give a short term boost to cognitive skills.
>> It helps in blood circulation as well as increasing memory power.
>> It boost blood flow to key areas of brain for 2 to 3 hours which directly leads to increase performance in task and alternates over a short period.
>> Cocoa flavanols enhance brain function for people fighting fatigue, sleep deprivation and even the effects of ageing.  

Coffee :

>> Here comes winter; striking a gamut demand for Coffee. In researching, 20 to 30 mg caffeine is present in only half a cup of coffee.
>> Caffeine one of the important constituent of coffee, has a resplendent effect on our health.
>> The various antioxidant content of caffeine not only boost the neurons of our brain and help to skip out the daily tiredness but is also a good thermo-regulator of our body.
>> It helps to maintain proper body temperature.

Yoghurt : 

>>  The calcium rich daily dessert is a must have for this season. It reduces stress, anxiety and mood shifts arising due to usual chores.
>> It speeds up metabolism and concentration. The rich calcium content also aids in several brain activities.

Tomato :

>> The power house of antioxidant is this all season vegetable. The nutritious antioxidant content helps to curve out several mental disabilities.

Walnut :

>> One of the amazing dry fruit is walnut. Often used as toppings in frequent desserts like cakes, pudding, chocolates.
>> Research says, daily dose of one walnut boosts Memory..!! Not only that, it gives immunity and stability of brain cells; thereby speeding up concentration, stamina and energy.  
>> If we eat a walnut everyday our 19% of memory power increases.


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